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Inclusive Excellence


Inclusive Excellence (IE) is a planning process intended to help each UW System institution establish a comprehensive and well-coordinated set of systematic actions that focus specifically on fostering greater diversity, equity, inclusion, and accountability at every level of university life. 


The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is committed to a vision of diversity that is broadly inclusive, warmly welcoming, and equitable in its treatment of all members of the campus community. Through engagement, reflection, and action, we will be an institution committed to diversity in thought and practice moving beyond labels and categories that put up barriers and keep us fragmented.

For more general information about Inclusive Excellence, please visit the Inclusive Excellence website.

As part of the commitment to creating a broadly inclusive and warmly welcoming campus community, new employees will be invited to biannual new employee socials, hosted by the Chancellor’s Council for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence. These socials are held each August and February and are an opportunity for new employees to network with other new employees, as well as mentors, council members, and campus leadership.

Please also see the Inclusive Excellence Resources site for resources related to diversity and inclusivity that may be helpful as you begin your new role on campus.