Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum Linnaeus
(=A. viride)
bright-green spleenwort
Family: Aspleniaceae

Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum is a small fern with leaves often just a few inches long and appearing clumped together. It is very similar to A. trichomanes, from which it differs mainly in the green rachis, compared to the dark brown or purple rachis of A. trichomanes. It grows mostly on limestone.

Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum is generally rare and has been reported from scattered locations across the extreme northern United States and into Canada and at a few sites in the western mountains. It is very rare in Wisconsin, being known only from a very few plants in Door and Florence Counties. This species was long known as Asplenium viride. It is listed as "Endangered" in Wisconsin.

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