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Bachelor's Degree in First Nations Studies

Reconnection & Renewal

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Across Turtle

Study Indigenous traditions across Turtle Island (North America).

Experience a reconnection with and renewal of Indigenous knowledge systems and ways of being from across Turtle Island with an emphasis on the region. Join an immersive experience guided by the oral traditions and wisdom of Tribal Elders, enhanced by direct engagement with First Nations languages and communities.

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Start Your Journey

Whether you’re an Indigenous person or an ally, you'll improve your understanding of First Nations people, history and culture.


Collaborate for Your Career

You'll learn how to work and collaborate in a group, a valuable skill in any industry.

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Educational Value 

At UW-Green Bay, we’re committed to educating all who want to be educated. Part of that includes a quality education at an accessible price. 

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Indigenous drummer at CommencementStudent gives presentation to classStudents speaking at commencementStudents listen to elder speak

Learners & Leaders Alike

Contemporary wisdom gained through Indigenous teaching.

What does Indigenous teaching mean? Here, the classroom is viewed as a learning community. Professors are a part of that learning community, and you, our students, are valued for the knowledge you bring to the community. As a way to build community, time is devoted to creating shared core values, relational agreements and social contracts. You’ll also work on yourself by identifying and challenging your perspectives.

About First Nations Studies

Ceremonial Burn Exemption Form

Smudging and non-recreational use of ceremonial tobacco and other medicines are part of the traditions, celebrations, well-being and spiritual practice of many Indigenous peoples. If you are participating in these practices on campus, you'll need to submit an exemption form.

Access Form

First Nations Across the University

Discover more about resources across the University to strengthen your education and deepen your understanding of the program.

Student in First Nations Studies Center
Center for First Nations Education

Situated in Wood Hall 410, the center provides a gathering space to nurture Indigenous methods, featuring in-residence Elder scholars to enrich our educational approaches.

Visit the Center

Students learning about the Oneida language
Oneida Language

We’ve offered courses in the Oneida Language since the mid 1970's. They're taught in the Oneida Nation community a few miles west of Green Bay.

See Resources

Student reading book
Minor With Major Benefits

Bolster your degree, challenge your perspectives and participate in inner exploration by minoring in First Nations Studies.

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Student studying in class
Get Your Guide

Access an example four-year course plan for the First Nations Studies major to get a glimpse of your experience here at UW-Green Bay.

Example Four Year Plan

Students listening and talking to a Tribal Eldert table
Learn From Local Elders

Engage in a more complete education by learning directly from First Nations Elders. Our Oral Scholars in Residence provide a tremendous learning and teaching experience, and we are grateful to them for their support!

View Elder Hours

Land Acknowledgment plaque
Land Acknowledgement

Colonialism is an ongoing process. Indigenous lands are still occupied, and our Land Acknowledgement is just one step toward respecting contemporary First Nations perspectives and celebrating our shared communities.

On Native Land

Continue To Explore

UW-Green Bay also offers a First Nations Education Doctorate (FNED). As the only degree of its kind in the U.S., the program expands your worldview of the Indigenous people of Turtle Island (North America) and provides opportunities to collaborate with professionals and practitioners in our communities.

Earn Your Ed.D.

Jennifer Barnes

Meet a

"I chose the major in First Nation studies because it also strongly correlates alongside my studies in social work.  By learning about both subjects, it ensures that my client that we serve gets the most best and accurate care possible across all systems of service.   Learning about First Nation studies has helped me collaborate with communities across Turtle Island and learn cultural knowledge but also gave me the confidence of using our own valid Indigenous knowledge."

Jennifer Barnes '24
First Nations Studies Major | Menominee Tribal Family Service Child Welfare Investigator

Professor Lisa Poupart

Let's Connect

As the chair for our program, Professor Lisa Poupart values collaboration and compelling discussion both in and out of the classroom. If you have questions, she can help!

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