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General Education

A vibrant and thriving General Education program is the foundation for student success at UW-Green Bay. Since assessment is the hallmark of the health of our programs, we consider assessment foundational to the creation, design, pedagogy and implementation of every course that we offer. Our assessment of General Education courses ensures that students are meeting the benchmarks for student learning outcomes.

General Education Assessment Dashboard

Goals of General Education Assessment

  1. Meaningfulness and Usefulness: Ensure the assessment process benefits students, faculty, administration, and the public.
  2. Streamlining: Simplify the assessment process for participants.
  3. Faculty Engagement: Involve faculty to support a culture of assessment and inform students about course assessments.
  4. Data Utilization: Use assessment data for evidence-based curricular and programmatic revisions and ensure transparency by providing public access to this information.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Employ assessment data at the program/unit level to foster ongoing enhancement.

Assessment Process

Historical Context (2014-2017):
  • 2014-2015: Quantitative Literacy, Sustainability
  • 2015-2016: Social Sciences, First Year Seminar, Quantitative Literacy, Sustainability
  • 2016-2017: Humanities, Ethnic Studies, Social Sciences, First Year Seminar, Quantitative Literacy (if needed), Sustainability (if needed)
  • 2017-2018: Natural and Biological Sciences, Global Culture, Humanities, Ethnic Studies

Recent Developments:

  • 2018-2019: Curriculum mapping due to merger with Marinette, Manitowoc, and Sheboygan campuses.
  • 2019-2020: Review and revision of programmatic/unit Learning Outcomes.
  • 2020-2021: New Assessment Coordinator hired; baseline assessment of all General Education courses resumed.
  • 2021-Beyond: Assessment of learning outcomes in each college on a staggered, rotating schedule with a three-year cycle: baseline, intervention, and re-assessment.

Assessment Tools and Working Groups

  • DevelopmentFaculty working groups develop and revise assessment tools, which may include inventories, prompts, or other methods. Benchmarks for each tool are established during development.
  • Review: Through spring of 2023, The University Assessment Council will review these tools and suggest revisions if necessary. Starting fall of 2024, all colleges will have review their own assessment processes.

Assessment Cycle and Schedule

Cycle Overview:
  • Year One: Baseline assessment
  • Year Two: Implement interventions
  • Year Three: Re-assess

Cycle Schedule:

 General Education and Institutional Assessment Cycle   


Because it is an HLC requirement to document the type of assessment completed, the results of that assessment, and the steps that are taken to ensure continuous improvement, programs not undergoing General Education and Institutional Assessment will complete a Status Update. This need not concern instructors.  

Assessment Schedule:

  • September 1: All assessment dashboards are updated with prior data from fall and spring.
  • September - October: Programs should discuss the assessment focus for the year.
  • October 31: Submit Assessment Plan to Curricular Assessment TEAMS site.
  • December 1: College-wide assessment coordinator provides feedback on Assessment Plans.
  • First week in December: faculty receive assessment surveys
  • January 30: Last day to complete fall assessment survey
  • Last week in April/first week in May: faculty receive assessment surveys
  • June 30: Last day to complete spring assessment survey 
  • July 31: Assessment dashboards are updated
  • August 31: Chairs in Year Three of Assessment Cycle turn in Final Report
  • September 30: Chairs receive feedback on their plans/reports from their college-wide assessment coordinator

Student Learning Outcomes Benchmarks:

  • Goal: 75% of students meet the standard benchmark.
Assessment Data:
  • Data will indicate if students meet benchmarks and if learning outcomes are appropriately aligned with the General Education goals.
Faculty Involvement:
  • ParticipationFaculty will assess one course per semester and may participate in Assessment Working Groups.
  • Purpose: Faculty feedback will help refine assessment tools and methods.

If you have questions about General Education Assessment at UWGB, please contact Dr. Valerie Murrenus Pilmaier, the Assessment Coordinator at or the University Assessment Committee at