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Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Learn the Language
of the Future

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Journey into Computer Science

Unleash Your Potential

Uncover insider strategies and emerge as a true tech maverick.

Major in computer science and choose to focus your studies on software engineering or cybersecurity. With experience-based learning, you'll learn theoretical concepts and put them into practical application in the same class. Though our major is popular, we keep class sizes small, so students get individual time with professors. And, once you graduate, you’ll be in demand for a variety of high-paying careers in the dynamic world of computer science.

See Your Path


Take your place with our next class of resilient problem-solvers and fearless innovators.



The median salary for our 2022 computer science graduates was $65,000.

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Tuition Talk

As an open access institution, we strive to keep tuition as low as possible.

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Students attending classFemale student working on robotStudent coding on two computersStudents attending lecture

Always Adapting

Future proof your career.

New technology and an increased need for computer software means both the field of computer science and the professionals within it are always adapting to change. In order to succeed in the field, you don’t just need the ability to learn programming languages; you also need to be able to evolve and think beyond writing software. Through our program, you’ll future proof your career by gaining the ability to define a problem, evaluate potential solutions and anticipate emerging technologies, such as the integration of artificial intelligence in software development.

About Computer Science

Set Yourself Up for Success

Hack the algorithm by preparing for your professional career during your time at UW-Green Bay.

Student speaking to high school class

Get Experience

Because of the demand for computer science experts in our region, many of our students complete internships in the community to put their knowledge to practice and gain experience.

Get an Internship

Birds eye view of student typing

Focus Your Career

You’ll have the choice between two emphases, both of which focus on developing specific skills depending on your intended career path: Software Engineering and Cybersecurity.

Choose Your Emphasis

Digital world illustration

Take It to the Next Level

Continue your education at UW-Green Bay and earn your master’s degree! We offer two graduate programs related to computer science: Data Science and Cybersecurity.

Earn Your Master's

Transfer Your Credits

Because of our partnerships with local technical colleges like NWTC and FVTC, we have a generous credit transfer policy.

Get the Credit You Deserve

Student presenting research

Get a Glimpse at Our Students' Work

Our classes focus on practical application of computer science theory. Check out some examples of what our students have been working on to stay on top of emerging trends, like AI and cybersecurity:

  • White Blood Cell Differentiation
  • Home Valuation Tool
  • Personalized Chess- AI
  • Predicting NHL Games Using Artificial Intelligence
  • Traffic Prediction with Machine Learning
  • Airline Tickets Prediction
  • Lung Cancer Recognition
  • Predicting NFL Playoff Standings
  • Movie Recommendation System
Abbi Humphreys

Meet a

"UW-Green Bay has not only given me the opportunity to work for the software development team while taking courses within the computer science major, but I have been able to find internship opportunities within my field of study, that would also give me the experience I need for a career after graduation."

Abbi Humphreys '26
Major in Computer Science | Student Employee in Software Development

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Iftekhar Anam

Ask the Experts

Meet Iftekhar Anam, the program chair for computer science. As a published researcher and experienced professional, his areas of expertise include Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction and Assistive Technology. If you have questions about our program, he can help!

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