Tara Carr
Tara Carr is an MBA graduate of Saginaw Valley State University and earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, specializing in Human Resource Management and Labor Relations from Bowling Green State University. Currently, she is pursuing a Ph.D. in Educational Administration and Leadership with Marian University. Tara’s professional career experience includes an entrepreneur in the restaurant industry, a human resource professional for Aon Consulting, Right Management and Hewitt Associates and a college administrator. In 2007, she transitioned from the corporate world into a passionate and purposeful career in higher education. She began as a faculty member at Concordia University Wisconsin and shortly thereafter became the Beloit Center Campus Director and then the Appleton Center Director. Tara is presently the Director of the Small Business Development Center at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay serves on Board of Directors for the Bay Area Workforce Development. Tara’s subject matter expertise is leadership/management, business operations/strategy and creating business plans.