Oral Scholars in Residence
The opportunity to study with Elders in the manner similar to those who continue to traditionally approach their Elders as practiced in North America for thousands of years is rare, unusual and possibly unprecedented in the academy. Certainly it is not a widely known practice or standard. The UW-Green Bay Professional Program in Center for First Nations Education offers opportunities for students and faculty to learn from Elders and engage in a more complete First Nations Studies teaching/learning experience. It is because First Nations Elders are willing to continue to provide teaching opportunities to younger people through this experience that the Center is able to provide such an opportunity. We are grateful to the Elders for this tremendous teaching and learning opportunity!
Spring 24 Elder Hours
Below is the weekly schedule that First Nations Elders will be available on the Green Bay campus.
Location: 410 Wood Hall, 2380 Wood Hall Dr., Green Bay, WI 54311
Contact Us
If you have questions regarding our Oral Scholars in Residence program, contact the Center for First Nations Education at cfne@uwgb.edu or (920) 465-2937