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The SOFAS is a codified officer of the University (UWGB 50.03) appointed by the Chancellor with the concurrence of the University Committee, and responsible to the Provost in the performance of his or her duties. My name is Michael L. Draney and I currently have the honor of serving as Secretary of the Faculty and Staff for the four campuses, located at Green Bay, Manitowoc, Marinette, and Sheboygan, that make up the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, part of the Universities of Wisconsin. Originally called Secretary of the Faculty, the name was changed in 1993 to reflect the shared responsibilities of Faculty and Academic Staff in campus governance and in the education of our students. In 2014, when the Classified Staff were recognized as the University Staff and joined in the responsibilities of shared campus governance, the position name was changed to Secretary of the Faculty and Staff. Previous holders of the Office are:

  • Dr. Steven J. Meyer (2015-2023)
  • Dr. Clifford F. Abbott (2006-2015)
  • Dr. Kenneth J. Fleurant (2003-2006)
  • Dr. Jerrold C. Rodesch (1998-2003)
  • Dr. E. Michael Thron (1993-1998)
  • Dr. Richard Sherrell (1985-1993)
  • Dr. Elmer Havens (1979-1985)
  • Dr. James Murray (1976-1979)
  • Dr. Harry Guilford (1971-1976)
  • Dr. Frank Byrne (1969-1971)

What does the Secretary of the Faculty and Staff do?

The functions of the Secretary of the Faculty and Staff can be grouped into five broad categories:

  • Coordinating and facilitating faculty and staff governance consistent with all applicable campus and System policies, codes, and regulations;
  • Recording, compiling, publicizing and preserving the products of faculty and staff governance, including governance handbooks, curriculum and personnel actions, as well as other policy documents, reports, and recommendations;
  • Serving as a knowledgeable resource person for faculty, staff, and administration, regarding policies, procedures, and perspectives pertaining to faculty and staff as well as campus governance;
  • Maintaining personnel files for faculty and staff as well as records for all campus academic units and faculty/academic/university staff committees.
  • Serving as University Ombudsperson.

Contact Us

The SOFAS/Governance Office staff is ready to help in any way we can. 

Mike Draney

Secretary of the Faculty and Staff/Ombudsperson
LS 461
(920) 465-2270

Becky Haeny

Secretary of the Faculty and Staff Admin