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Submission & Review Process

Protocols must be submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) and all correspondence will take place with the PI. Please note, students cannot be the PI. All necessary forms can be located under the "Forms" tab. All submissions must be electronic unless pre-approved by the IACUC Chair. If you have difficulties with the electronic form, please contact Once complete, email the entire protocol as one PDF file to Please include all relevant information and the Animal Care and Use (basic and animal specific) CITI Certifications.

Submit Your Protocol Here


The pre-review process is conducted by the IACUC Chair or staff designee, and does not represent an official action on the part of the IACUC. 

The pre-review of protocols usually takes approximately one week. Please plan accordingly when submitting your protocol. If the pre-review process determines that your protocol may cause more than momentary or slight pain or distress to animal subject, you will be referred to the attending veterinarian for consultation.

The pre-review process concludes with a decision by the IACUC chair to move your proposal into designated-member review (DMR) or full-committee review (FCR).

Official Review Options
  • All IACUC members receive a full list of protocol under review one-week prior to each scheduled IACUC meeting.
Designated-Member Review (DMR)

The IACUC Chair may assign a protocol to one or more qualified voting members of IACUC for review. Designated-member review may result in one of three outcomes:

  1. any member of IACUC may request that the protocol is moved to full-committee review;
  2. the protocol may be approved;
  3. required modifications may requested of the protocol prior to approval.

Full-Committee Review (FCR)

Protocols requiring full committee review must be submitted at least one week in advance of the next IACUC meeting. At least one researcher listed on the protocol should be present at the IACUC meeting to address any questions or concerns posed by the board.  Formal action under full-committee review requires a quorum, and may result in one of three outcomes:

  1. the protocol may be approved;
  2. required modifications may requested of the protocol prior to approval;
  3. approval may be withheld. The protocol PI has the right to respond in person or in writing to a decision to withhold approval.

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