Put the "Pep" in
Pep Band
If you play an instrument, you can join the band and support our teams to victory.
Fascinating fun fact: "Pep" is actually derived from the word "pepper." And that's your mission as pep band member—to spice up the atmosphere when the mighty Phoenix does battle with foes near and far. From classic and current songs, to coordinated group movements, to cheering and chanting, we love to help our basketball teams win! No matter your major, if you play an instrument and are willing to commit, you can join the pep band. There are two types of players: paid positions and volunteer. Auditions are required for paid positions.
Pep Band Schedule
Paid members are required to attend all rehearsals and games, while volunteers are encouraged to attend as many as possible. Rehearsals take place on Fridays from 2:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. in the Green Bay Campus Studio Arts Band Room. The Pep Band performs at every home game for both the Men’s and Women’s basketball teams.
Listen & Enjoy
From rock to country to pop, enjoy new takes on old classics in the pep band.
What to Expect
Continue your passion for playing an instrument even if you're not a music major.
It's Your Symphony
Looking to take your passion for music even further? Become a music major or minor.
Connect with Us!
Follow us on social media to stay informed about our news, connect with other students and faculty and stay on top of important deadlines and opportunities.

Ask the Director
Meet Adam LeGrave, Director of the Pep Band here at UW-Green Bay. As a seasoned musician and drummer in several rock and jazz bands in the Green Bay area, he's passionate about music. If you have questions, he can help!