John Stoll
John grew up as a “yooper” in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan from which he emigrated to southern locales. After receiving post-high school education in Wisconsin and Kentucky, he started his academic career at Texas A&M University as a Professor of Agricultural Economics with a joint appointment to the Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Sciences Department. After 12 years, he migrated back to Wisconsin to become a Professor of Economics. He has published peer-reviewed research articles in major economics and other journals and received a variety of awards for his work.
Fields of Interest
Economics with particular interests in environmental policy, natural resources, energy and recycling, sustainability, techniques for valuation of extra-market (nonmarket) items, outdoor recreation, as well as conservation of species and habitat. He teaches (or has taught) graduate and undergraduate courses in public finance, urban and regional economics/development, cost-benefit analysis, survey of economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, intermediate microeconomics, mathematics for economists, introduction to econometrics, natural resources economic policy, as well as environmental and natural resource economics, and perspectives in environmental science and policy.
Ph.D. and M.S. University of Kentucky-Lexington; B.S. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.