Helps Students Get Experience
Your support means our students can get involved in their community.
Ever heard of community-engaged learning? It's all about getting real-world experience while making a positive impact. You might know it as Service Learning, Experiential Learning or Project-based Learning. It's not just volunteering. By providing experience, you can help our students gain real experience for their careers. Plus, you benefit from their expertise!
Community Partners
Without our community partners, we wouldn't be able to provide students with hands-on learning opportunities. From local businesses to museums to government agencies, partnerships fuel the Center for Civic Engagement. Join the list of our community partners that include:
- City of Green Bay
- Green Bay Public Schools
- Neville Public Museum
- Boys & Girls Club
- House of Hope
- Downtown Green Bay, Inc.
Partner With Us
Partner with us for your next project, internship or research need! Not sure where to start? Contact us through our online form below, even if you donāt have all the details, the CCE staff will be in touch promptly.
Host a Civic Scholar
It is only thanks to the support of our community partners that we're able to develop civic-minded scholars. We welcome representatives from partner organizations who are willing to shepherd an intern. Get in touch with us if you'd like to become a community partner!

Interns Help Your
"House of Hope brought on two interns in 2021-2022 to support policy work around 2019 WI Act 22 and increasing equitable access to mental and physical health services for youth experiencing homelessness. Both Bresa and Isabella took our work seriously and accomplished a lot. One of their biggest contributions was speaking about the issue to the Wisconsin Association of Runaway and Homeless Services."
Beth Hudak
Director of Community Engagement, House of Hope Green Bay, Inc.

Ask An Expert
Ashley Heath is a Lecturer of Public and Environmental Affairs. She also serves as Program Manager for the Center for Civic Engagement. If you have questions, Ashley can help.