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In Their Studio

In Their Studio will showcase the talented artists that are housed in the UWGB arts community, and how they go about their artistic process. This podcast is intended to share behind the scenes of the lives, research processes, and creative process of artists selected by the Lawton Gallery staff. Our guest speakers will range from UWGB staff, to graduating UWGB art students. We strive to inspire those who are striving to succeed in the art community, and share insight into successful artists lives, and how they made it there.

Mission Statement

The In Their Studio podcast’s mission is to serve as an artistic outlet and resource for those a part of, and interested in, the artistic community. Specifically, the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, and Green Bay/Fox Valley art community. We strive to appeal to University of Wisconsin Green Bay students, faculty, staff, and community members, as well as the Green Bay and Fox valley arts community members.