Smoking Policy
At UW-Green Bay, smoking and using e-cigarettes (vaping) is not allowed inside any campus buildings, campus vehicles, or within 30 feet of these areas, including both indoor and outdoor spaces and University Housing.
UW-Green Bay Smoking Policy
Pursuant to University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Policy, smoking and the use of electronic inhalant delivery systems - commonly known as "e-cigarettes" or vaping - is prohibited in all state-owned campus buildings, all state-owned campus vehicles, and within 30 feet of all state-owned campus buildings, indoor and outdoor facilities and University Housing.
April 2014 E-Cigarette Update
UW-Green Bay’s official Policy on Smoking now includes inhalant delivery systems — better known as “e-cigarettes” — meaning the same restrictions that apply to traditional cigarettes now apply to the electronic systems, as well. That means they’re banned in all state-owned campus buildings and campus vehicles, and within 30-feet of all state-owned campus buildings, indoor and outdoor facilities and University Housing.
A committee of representatives from Public Safety, Dean of Students, University Housing, Health and Counseling and Student Government, along with the Campus Risk Manager, recommended the change, which was approved by Chancellor Tom Harden with the advice of his Cabinet. Several UW System campuses have thusly amended their smoking policies — La Crosse, River Falls and Stevens Point among them — while UW-Platteville and Superior allow the devices in residents’ rooms but nowhere else.

Get Answers
UW-Green Bay University Police is focused on community-oriented support to create a safe and secure campus. If you have questions about restricted or prohibited items, let us know.