Keys & Access Control
Administration of the programs for both electronic and key access to secured areas of campus has been delegated by the Chancellor as a responsibility University Police. All access requests ,must be submitted BY A SUPERVISOR and via electronic means, using the Key Request Form. By using this electronic system it allows for proper routing of requests, greater accountability of the secured areas of campus, and also the timely processing and notifications of access requests.
All access requests should be made using the link to the left or Key Request Form. For additional information, refer to the Building and & Access Policy or the Building Access and Control Standard Operating Guidelines.
Please note, Key transfers are not allowed per UW-Green Bay Policy OP-29-21-10. ss. III-D-3-A and all keys must be turned into Univeristy Police and then reissued. This allows us to validate all keys are present and their condition.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I request a key?
- The Key Request Form is located on the University Police website (use the link at the top of this page).
- Do not request a key until it is needed. Requests for keys that will not be used within 2 weeks of the request will be denied.
- The following information is required
- Requester ( The Supervisor who is submitting the request. The "Key Holder" is the end user of the key)
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Repair Center -- Always select "PP_Physical Plant (DEFAULT)".
- Facility -- Always select "UW Green Bay"
- Building
- Area
- Request Type
- Reason
- Quantity
- Keyholder (Who are the Keys for, the end user of the key)
- Request (Short description of the request)
- Once your request is approved, you will receive an email notification that your work order is "Closed" and also from University Police when your key(s) will be available for pick up at the University Police office. Any work order that is closed for more than 3 business days with no emails should be inquired about.
- Univeristy Police will not hold keys longer than 2 business weeks. Please order the keys only when they can be claimed within this period.
Where do I pick up my keys?
- Keys may be picked up in University Police Department IS 1024 weekdays Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 4:00pm.
- Keys may only be picked up by the end user or "keyholder" on the request
- Be prepared to show identification when you pick up your key(s).
- Students WILL NOT be issued keys. They must gain access to authorized work spaces through full time faculty or staff, most often by using a key box. This includes graduate students working with Professors.
- Keys boxes and their associated codes are maintained by the issuing University department.
- Keys which are not picked up in 1 week (5 business days) of notification to the end user will be returned to facilities as not issued. An additional key request will need to be made to make them available for pick up.
How do I request a Department Key Box?
- Departments may establish a key box to maintain extra keys for the purpose of:
- Providing access to keys by students
- Allowing temporary check out of a key for offices or areas under the department's control
- Issuing keys to Adhoc faculty or LTE staff
- Cost? Typically Key boxes cost around $75.00. This includes the box, installation, and ONE key.
- Key boxes must be in a locked and secure area.
- It is recommended that a log be kept identifying when keys are checked out and by whom, and when the key was returned.
- Campus departments administering Key Boxes assume responsibility for the keys assigned to the Key Box.
- Please contact Facilities if you are interested in establishing a Department Key Box as work order will be requested.
- University Police reserve the right to remove a key(s) from any Lock Box which is not adequately safe guarded by the department or found unsecured.
How do I request a Key Ring?
- Key Rings may be established for campus employees who are required to access several campus facilities and spaces, e.g. maintenance, operations, and University Police.
- Please contact University Police if you are interested in establishing a Key Ring.
How do I transfer keys from one employee to another?
- To request a complete list of keys issued to the employee, contact University Police at (920) 465-2105.
- Ask the outgoing employee to return all keys listed on the Keys Issued Report and return them to University Police.
- University will re-issue the keys that are already created at no cost to incoming employees if necessary. A new key request must be made for the new employee to ensure accountability by both University Police and Inventory Control/Facilities.
- Keys are NOT permitted to be transferred between employees directly.
Instructions for returning keys to University Police
- To obtain a list of keys issued to an employee, contact University Police at (920) 465-2105 at least three (3) business days prior to the employee leaving.
Contractors and/or Outside Service Personnel
- Keys issued to contractors and/or outside service personnel require pre-approval of the department/project manager and University Police.
- Contractors and/or outside service personnel working on campus may sign out keys from the University Police
- Short-term key issuance must be coordinated and approved by the Director of Facilities Management and the Chief of Police or his designee. A key request must be processed and include a date when the key(s) will be returned.
- Lost, Stolen or Unreturned Keys
- Report any lost or stolen key or keys to the department chair or administrative head, and to University Police.
- A replacement key may be requested by completing a Key Request Form and submitting the approved form to University Police. All costs incurred such as labor and parts will be billed to the individual or the department.
- Students who fail to return any key to a key box or otherwise, are assessed a fee per lock for re-keying resulting in a financial hold on transcripts, registration and/or graduation until all keys are returned or assess to recover the cost to re-key all affected areas.
- Employees who fail to return all keys may be assessed a fee per lock for re-keying.
- Due to security reasons the department may be required to pay the cost of re-keying when staff or students fail to return their keys or if a key is lost which causes a potential loss of security for an area.
- When lost, stolen or unreturned keys are reported, the person responsible for the area should consider re-keying the affected area. The Chief of Police may convene meeting with the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance, Director of Facilities Management and those responsible for the area impacted to determine the need to re-key the area affected and the recovery of any costs.
- Dependant on the access level permitted by the key, this may vary from a single room to an entire building or building(s).
Found Keys
- Found University keys are to be turned into the University Police.
- Key Duplication or Unauthorized Use is prohibited.
- UWS 18.06 (12) Keys.
- No person may duplicate a university key or request the unauthorized duplication of a university keys.
- No person may transfer any university key from an individual entrusted with its possession to an unauthorized person, or be in unauthorized possession of a university key.
- Keys in the possession of unauthorized persons may be confiscated.
- No person shall replace without permission, damage, tamper with or vandalize any university lock or security device.