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University Partnership

The partnership will be proposed by the university. The material and project must be student driven. One way UW-Green Bay achieves this is through the implementation of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP). Culturally Relevant Pedagogy is a theory presented by Gloria Ladson-Billings from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. The basis of CRP is that teachings must relevant to students in order to engage them in active learning. What can we take from this idea in our own practices? The fundamentals would include the following:

  1. Academic Success: developing skills to become active participants in society
  2. Develop or maintain cultural competence: Using students' culture in teaching and learning. For example, explicitly including diverse situations and languages in classroom instruction.
  3. Critical Consciousness: the ability to apply knowledge outside the academic contexts and critically analyze society

The goal of this pedagogy is to turn "Teaching into Action". Taking these concepts into consideration, we want to develop our teachings in a meaningful manner so that students not only care about what they are learning, they take what they learn and bring it to their communities as well. What does this mean for the educator? Include your students in decision making! Let them choose what project or what community organization matters to them. Show them that you are invested in them as an individual and their curiosities.

This pedagogy will guide your perspective of student goals and values in your course. Thinking about the student as an individual then as a citizen will allow you to give students the space they need to grow.

If you are interested in starting a partnership for future collaboartion with a community organization, schedule a 1-on-1 consultation with our Center here!