Accepted by the University Staff of the
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay 5/15/14
Approved by Chancellor Thomas Harden 6/12/14
Approved by UW Administration 7/24/14
Revisions approved by the University Staff 4/29/15
Revisions approved by the University Staff 6/23/15
Revisions approved by UWGB Shared Governance 12/14/16
Revisions approved by the University Staff 1/29/19
Board of Regents Classified Staff Governance Executive Summary, Resolution 1.2c.:Upon the recommendation of the President of the Universities of Wisconsin Administration, the Board of Regents approves, effective September 6, 2013, the Regent Policy Document on Classified Staff Governance, which authorizes the classified staff of each Universities of Wisconsin institution to structure themselves in such manner as they determine and to select representatives to participate in institutional governance.
Policy Statement:The Board of Regents is vested with the primary responsibility for governance of the Universities of Wisconsin Administration {sec. 36.09(1), Wis. Stats.}. In discharging this responsibility, the Board has an interest in providing classified staff the opportunity to participate in institutional decision-making. Each Universities of Wisconsin institution shall:
- Provide its classified staff members, subject to the responsibilities and powers of the board, the president, and the chancellor and faculty of the institution, the opportunity to be active participants in the immediate governance of and policy development for the institution;
- Provide its classified staff members full participation in the formulation and review, and representation in the development, of all policies and procedures concerning classified staff members, including classified staff personnel matters, except where State law preempts Universities of Wisconsin policy and
- Provide its classified staff members the right to structure themselves in a manner classified staff members determine, and to select their representatives to participate in institutional governance.
University staff members of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay share a professional commitment to excellence through their support of students, academic staff, faculty, administration, and the community as they perform their duties in their respective areas of expertise. It is our mission to promote the professional development and individual career support of University Staff through education, training, mentoring, networking, and communication. We strive to maintain a cohesive partnership with colleagues from all university employee groups in support of the University’s mission. In recognition of our commitment and mission, and in order to encourage the participation of University Staff members in the activities of the University, we hereby subscribe to the following governance structure.ARTICLE III - UNIVERSITY STAFF COMMITTEE
A. Jurisdiction of the University Staff Committee
- The University Staff Committee will represent the university staff in all matters within the jurisdiction of the university staff and will be known as the USC.
- The USC is authorized to request action by the full university staff.
B. Membership of the University Staff Committee
- Representatives: The USC is comprised of nine eligible university staff members with at least one member from each of the three branch campuses, with staggered three-year terms. Members of the Committee should broadly represent the university staff employee community.
- Ex officio Members: In addition, there will be one Human Resources representative ex officio, non-voting member, appointed by the Human Resources Director.
C. Organization
- Officer positions of the USC are Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers will be elected by USC voting members at the first USC meeting of the University’s fiscal year in which former officers’ terms have ended.
- In the event of a vacancy in the Chair position, the Vice Chair will assume the Chair position for the remainder of the term of the Chair.
- All other vacancies of USC positions will be filled for the duration of the term by the person receiving the next highest vote in the last election.
- The presiding officer of the USC will be called the Chair. Duties of the Chair include:
b. Coordinating the formation and operation of all university staff committees and assuring that all matters are
brought before the appropriate university staff committees.
c. Reporting to the USC the disposition of all university staff governance matters.
d. Reporting the results of all university staff elections and distributing the lists of nominees for appointed
committees for approval by the USC.
e. Serving as the presiding officer at all meetings of the full university staff.
f. Submitting a yearly report on the activities of the USC to the Secretary of the Faculty and Staff.
5. The Vice Chair will be the presiding officer in the absence of the Chair. She/he will assist the Chair with her/his duties.
- The Treasurer will maintain financial spreadsheets and report the budget status to the USC at monthly meetings. The Treasurer will also submit budget transaction documentation and report to the Provost Office as requested.
membership need not be limited to USC members, adopting procedural rules for the conduct of its business.
D. Responsibilities
- To promote and provide professional development and individual career support to university staff through education, training, mentoring, networking, and communication.
- To recommend and actively participate in the development of campus policies and practices, which are in the best interest of the university staff at-large and consistent with the goals and mission of the University.
- To appoint and/or recommend university staff members for shared governance and university committee service.
- To approve the creation of shared governance committees in conjunction with the faculty and academic staff executive governance bodies.
- To serve as the liaison to faculty, academic staff, and student governance groups.
- To survey needs, review concerns, and identify goals of the university staff.
- To call general and special meetings of the university staff, and/or call for special email ballot voting as deemed necessary, including responding to written petition of ten percent of the eligible university staff concerning USC action.
- To channel information regarding university staff issues between the USC and the Chancellor, other university administrators, or Universities of Wisconsin Administration officials.
- To receive resignations from university staff governance committee members and notify the Election Committee of vacancies.
staff issues as needed.
11. To annually review the University Staff Governance Bylaws and the policy guidelines affecting elected and
appointive university staff committees, recommending revisions as needed.
regular and consistent basis.
13. To communicate with the university staff on the conduct of its business on a regular and consistent basis, including
calling meetings of the full university staff and/or initiating special email ballot votes when necessary.
14. To elect the University Staff Representative to the Universities of Wisconsin and ensure that UW-Green Bay University Staff issues
are brought to the attention of other representatives, as appropriate.
15. To play an ongoing and active role during all stages of the University’s strategic planning and budget building
16. To participate in the selection and annual performance evaluation process for the Secretary of the Faculty and Staff
and University administrators, as requested.
17. To facilitate the retention of and promote/encourage involvement and leadership in the university staff governance
E. Election of University Staff Committee Members
All members of the university staff with ongoing appointments of at least 50 percent will be eligible to vote for and represent the university staff at-large as USC members.
a. An annual interest survey will be distributed to all persons eligible to serve on the USC by the Election Committee. Persons willing to serve will reply to the Election Committee indicating their desire to have their names added to he
election ballot.
b. The election ballot will be distributed by the Election Committee. The ballot will include at least two nominees
when possible for each open USC seat. Voters may vote for as many candidates as there are open USC seats.
c. When a vacancy occurs, the person receiving the next highest vote in the last election assumes full membership
until the expiration of the term. If there are no available candidates, the USC will determine, in consultation with the
Election Committee, whether to appoint a replacement or to authorize a special election.
- Terms of Office: Each USC member will have a term of office of three years. Terms correspond to the University's fiscal year. A member will not serve more than two consecutive terms, and a one-year break is required for anyone serving the maximum term limit.
F. Meetings
- The USC will meet monthly during the fiscal year or as business dictates.
- Special USC meetings may be called by the Chair or by petition of two or more USC members.
- A simple majority of the elected USC members constitutes a quorum.
- Any member of the University community (employees or students) may be recognized by the Chair to speak on any matter on the agenda.
- USC members will receive a USC meeting agenda prior to meetings and will have access to summary minutes of the meeting.
- Robert's Rules of Order will be followed at all meetings.
- It is expected that USC members attend all committee meetings either in person or via remote connection unless excused. The USC may remove from the committee any member who has not attended at least 75% of the scheduled meetings during their current term, by a simple majority secret ballot vote. The person receiving the next highest votes in the last election assumes membership until the end of the vacant member’s term. If there are no available candidates, the USC shall determine, in consultation with the Election Committee, whether to appoint a replacement or to authorize a special election.
G. Full Meetings of the University Staff
- The USC will call a minimum of one meeting of the full university staff during the university’s fiscal year to share information on university staff business conducted since the last full meeting and to hear concerns from the staff at-large.
- A special meeting of the full university staff must be called by the USC Chair in response to a written petition of at least ten percent of eligible university staff. The petition will be sent to the Chair, and requests for agenda items must be submitted to the Chair in writing two weeks in advance of the meeting. The meeting must be held within four weeks of receipt of the petition.
- The Secretary of the Faculty and Staff will be responsible for notification of all full meetings of the university staff and verification of twenty percent of the eligible university staff as a quorum for conducting business.
- Overview of Committee Structure
The university staff carries out its governance responsibilities through elective standing committees and shared governance committees. The same membership eligibility, service terms, vacancies, and meeting procedures that apply to the USC also apply to each standing committee.
Officers: The Chair of the USC will appoint a convener to call the first meeting of each committee following elections. The convener will direct the members in the selection of a committee chair. The chair will call meetings as necessary and minutes will be kept. Minutes will be sent to committee members and the Secretary of the Faculty and Staff as required, and updates will be reported to the University Staff Committee for its monthly meetings.
B. Election Committee
- Membership: The Election Committee will consist of three university staff members, with each member serving a three-year term. All members will be elected at-large.
- Responsibilities:
annual survey.
b. To prepare ballots for the open positions on the university staff subcommittees in accordance with the
membership criteria established for each committee.
c. To facilitate and oversee the voting process, which includes at least two nominees when possible for each open
committee seat.
d. To recommend candidates for nomination to shared governance committees.
e. To submit the numerical results of the election and the appointments to shared governance committees to the
USC Chair prior to the last USC meeting of the fiscal year.
f. To consult with the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty and Staff to determine whether vacancies occurring
because of resignations or leaves of absence will be filled by appointment or special election.
g. To report the committee’s activities to the USC, and to submit an annual report to the Secretary of the Faculty and
C. Personnel Committee
- Membership: The University Staff Personnel Committee, hereafter referred to as the Personnel Committee, will consist of five university staff members, each serving a three-year term. All members will be elected at-large. A representative from the Office of Human Resources will serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Personnel Committee. An alternate will be selected by the USC to replace any Personnel Committee member who abstains from participation due to conflict of interest in a personnel matter.
- Responsibilities:
Resources, and/or budget authority for the following personnel issues:
i. Complaints
ii. Grievances
iii. Position conversions
iv. Promotion denials
v. Dismissals for cause
vi. Terminations
b. To provide procedural information at the request of an employee for any personnel issues listed in section a)
c. To review proposed and approved University Human Resources policy changes that pertain to university staff and
submit feedback to the USC as deemed necessary.
d. To undertake related special assignments at the request of the USC.
e. To report the committee’s activities to the USC, and to submit an annual report to the Secretary of the Faculty and
D. Professional Development Committee
- Membership: The University Staff Professional Development Committee, hereinafter referred to as the Professional Development Committee, will consist of five university staff members, each serving a three-year term. All members will be elected at-large.
- Responsibilities:
b. To review the funding procedure to ensure that it is meeting the needs of the university staff, to present
recommendations to the USC on an annual basis for approval, and to notify university staff of the availability of
professional development funds.
c. To review individual funding requests, make decisions in compliance with Universities of Wisconsin budget regulations, and
inform applicants of the committee's decision.
d. To plan programming for seminars, workshops, and conferences.
e. To work with the academic staff to plan programming for joint professional development events.
f. To report the committee’s activities to the USC, and to submit an annual report to the Secretary of the Faculty and
E. Shared Governance Committees
Members of the faculty, academic staff, university staff, or administration may propose the creation of shared governance committees. The proposal must specify a charge, or set of responsibilities, and a method of determining membership (including number of members, distribution, terms, and voting rights). The proposal must secure the approval of the Faculty Senate, the Academic Staff Committee, the University Staff Committee, and an appropriate administrator in order to advise or act on behalf of shared governance.
Refer to the Secretary of Faculty and Staff website for the current list of committees, as well as their charges, memberships, and terms.
Amendments to these bylaws are under the jurisdiction of the eligible university staff and must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the eligible university staff voting, either at a meeting of the full university staff or by a special email ballot at any time.