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Video Game Programming

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Learn about the world of object-oriented programming and an introduction to developing software in a gaming environment. Students will learn basic techniques, creating your own games, introduction to object-oriented programming, and more. Build on your experience this summer, start with Level 1 camp then create your own game in Level 2 camp! 

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student coding video game with large screen

Video Game Programming Level 1

Join campers entering grades 8-12 on the UW-Green Bay campus as you learn about the world of object-oriented programming and an introduction to developing software in a gaming environment. Campers will learn basic techniques to creating games and will be introduced to object-oriented programming. Campers will learn how to make objects interact with each other through events and will learn how to program some basic games. 


June 24-26, 2024
8 a.m.-4 p.m.


Commuter Camp
Green Bay Campus
Grades: 8-12


Includes instruction, supplies & lunch each day

Video Game Programming Level 2

In this exciting continuation of Video Game Programming Camp (Level 2), you will join advanced campers on the UW-Green Bay campus as you delve further into the world of game development. Campers will learn about the Unreal Game Engine 5, a gaming industry standard, as they will create their own immersive 3D games. In addition to learning the basics of game design, campers will learn to program events and gameplay logic. At the end of camp, they will have a chance to play each other’s games.


July 8-12, 2024
8 a.m.-4 p.m.


Commuter Camp
Green Bay Campus
Grades 8-12


Includes instruction, supplies & lunch each day


This camp runs 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Campers will participate in learning opportunities in the morning and afternoon with a break for lunch.

8:00-11:30 a.m.
Tutorials & Project Work
11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
12:30-4 p.m.
Tutorials & Project Work
3:15 p.m.
Last Day of Class

On the last day of class, tutorials and project work will wrap-up early so we can host a parent showcase to show off our work. Parents are invited!

Tools for Success

Health Form

Our camp Health Forms are electronic! You will receive a notification from CampDoc once you register. You will then, need to finish your camper's profile up to 100% completion. Campers can only be admitted into camp when their camper profile is 100% complete. This must be complete a week prior to camp start. to camp that will prompt you to fill out your Health Form online. Health Forms must be filled out online before your camper checks-in to camp. 

Complete Health Form

Accident Insurance

The UW-Green Bay Health and Counseling Center is not available for camps or other youth programs. Therefore, parents/guardians will be notified of any suspected or known illness or injury. Accident insurance through the University of Wisconsin is automatically included for all kids at camp. This limited policy covers injuries relating to camp accidents only. It is understood that medical costs in excess of camp insurance will be borne by parents or guardians.

Helpful Documents

Please review our policies. Feel free to sign up for our newsletter and check Facebook for updates on new offerings.

This camp is eligible for scholarship to qualified candidates.

Ben Geisler


Ben Geisler

Principal Engineer, E-Line Media

Ben Geisler has worked at five video game development studios over the past 20 years, contributing to best-selling games for Xbox 360, PS4, and others. Ben holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science; he is a programmer by education and trade. But as a producer he has also been involved with publisher relations at THQ, Activision and others. His past credits include Soldier of Fortune 2, X-Men Legends, Quake 4, The Incredible Hulk, Prey 2, Batman Arkham Origins, Rune, New World. and Prototype, along with publications on game research and practical applications. Ben has also created business software for Android and iOS devices including recent work in drone technology. He is currently serving as a Principal Engineer at E-Line Media and adjunct faculty at UW-Green Bay.

Endless Studios logo


This camp is offered in partnership with the Endless Studios.
Endless Studios has provided support and development for this camp.

DPI Scholarships

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) offers financial need-based scholarships that can be applied to qualifying camp programs at UW-Green Bay. Scholarships are first come, first served until all are given out. Students are only eligible to receive a Department of Public Instruction (DPI) scholarship three times a year.

Qualifying programs for summer 2024 include:

  • Aquatic Robotics, up to $250/registration.
  • Design Tech (Intro & Advanced), up to $250/registration.
  • Video Game Programming, price of full registration.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Student must be a Wisconsin resident. At least one parent/guardian must live in the state of Wisconsin.
  2. Student must qualify for free or reduced lunch. This will be confirmed by the student's school.
  3. Must be enrolled in a qualifying camp.

How to Apply

It is recommended that students applying for a scholarship should complete the scholarship application process before enrolling in camp. Your application must be signed by a school counselor or school designee in the administration or district office to confirm eligibility for free or reduced lunches. A teacher's signature is not valid.

  1. Download, print and complete the scholarship form in English, Spanish or Hmong.
  2. Do not send the scholarship form to the Madison DPI office. It will take your application several weeks longer to reach our office. Since scholarships are given on a first come, first served basis, this would be a considerable disadvantage. Email or mail the completed form to:
      Camps & Youth ProgramsUW-Green Bay
      3350 Leon Bond Dr.
      Green Bay, WI 54311
Megan Leonard-Bisenius

Have Questions

We’re here to help. If you have any questions about camps or youth programs, please don't hesitate to reach out.

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