David Dolan
Professor Emeritus
Dr. Dolan's primary focus was on the Great Lakes and his skills as a statistician contributed greatly to an understanding of the quality of their waters. He was the recipient of many awards during his tenure at UW-Green Bay and was an active member of the University Union. He thoroughly enjoyed teaching and it showed in the help he freely gave to many students, both graduate and undergraduate, with completing their projects and theses. He was an enthusiastic member in the department and worked tirelessly mentoring new faculty, serving on committees, and collaborating with his colleagues. David was considered by many as the expert on phosphorus in the Great Lakes.
In 2014, Dr. Dolan’s family established a graduate scholarship fund in his name through the International Association for Great Lakes Research, a scientific organization Dr. Dolan belonged to and served in various positions, including the Board of Directors, since 1976. The David M. Dolan Scholarship will support a student conducting graduate research that uses applied mathematics to advance the quantitative understanding and management of the Great Lakes ecosystem. To learn more or donate to the scholarship fund in honor of David, visit IAGLR David M. Dolan Scholarship.
Starting with his work with EPA in the 1970s and continuing through his tenure at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Dave generated the finest continuous time series of nutrient loadings for any natural water system in the world,notes colleague, collaborator, and friend, Steve Chapra, a professor at Tufts University.
It's not an overstatement to say that all our subsequent efforts to understand and rationally manage Great Lakes eutrophication rest on the foundation of Dave's efforts, ingenuity, and dedication. His contributions to the stewardship of this precious resource have been singular.
In 2014, Dr. Dolan’s family established a graduate scholarship fund in his name through the International Association for Great Lakes Research, a scientific organization Dr. Dolan belonged to and served in various positions, including the Board of Directors, since 1976. The David M. Dolan Scholarship will support a student conducting graduate research that uses applied mathematics to advance the quantitative understanding and management of the Great Lakes ecosystem. To learn more or donate to the scholarship fund in honor of David, visit IAGLR David M. Dolan Scholarship.
B.S. (1971), M.S. (1972) Notre Dame; M.A. (1980) Michigan; Ph.D. (1999) McMaster (Canada)