Policies & Procedures
University policies are designed to protect and promote the rights of all individuals, assure compliance with all pertinent regulations and laws and limit interference in academic freedom.
Accommodations of Religious Beliefs
A student who wishes to practice their religious beliefs must be reasonably accommodated with regard to the completion of their academic work. Requesting an accommodation with regard to a date-dependent academic requirement, such as an exam, quiz or presentation, must occur within the first 3 weeks of the course (1st week for accelerated courses). Faculty must accept at face value the sincerity of a student’s religious beliefs. Such requests for an accommodation are confidential.
Read Religious Policy (UWS 22)
Students believing they have been denied an appropriate accommodation by an instructor should contact the Dean of Students Office.
Privacy & FERPA
All student educational records are private under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Information will not be released to any person(s), including parents, without the consent of the student. Exceptions are made for emergencies and may be made for violations of alcohol or drug policies. Students can fill out a FERPA Release Form if they wish the university to share information with someone, such as parents, medical professionals or for professional refences. Other university employees may have access to records on a need to know basis based on their responsibilities to the student.
UW-Green Bay provides access to campus network resources, including the internet, in order to support learning and to prepare students for an increasingly technological world. Respectful use of these resources means they will remain available to all, and can be updated on a routine basis. Please note that by simply using the IT systems and resources, provided to you as students, you are acknowledging acceptance of the policy.
Furthermore, the policy also requires that we provide students with access to information security awareness training.
Every student is given a University email account. Please check your university email account regularly. Important information about registration, billing, financial aid and other important matters will be relayed to you via email. Your failure to read and/or respond to official university email communication does not absolve you of responsibility. Abuse of email privileges such as sending unwanted messages to large groups (spamming) or sending hurtful emails to specific individuals is not acceptable and will be dealt with by the proper University officials.
Complaints & Grievances
The Dean of Students Office welcomes your comments and will help you to resolve differences which may occur. We have procedures which ensure your right to file a grievance or make a complaint.
Academic Grievance
If you have grievances related to course grades, conduct of classes or other course matters, address those complaints first with the instructor of the course. If you are not satisfied with the resolution, the grievance can then be taken to the chairperson of the appropriate academic department and, if resolution is not achieved there, you can then go to the appropriate academic dean.
Review Academic Dispute Process
Non-Academic Grievance
Grievances related to University staff should first be addressed to those complaints directly with the individual. If you are not satisfied, the grievance can then be taken to the appropriate supervisor of that department and, if resolution is not achieved there, go to the Dean of Students Office.
Annual Security Report
UW-Green Bay is a safety leader among Wisconsin college campuses, and we work hard to keep safety a priority on our campus. Become an informed member of our campus community to protect yourself and others, and to help keep UW-Green Bay a welcoming place.
Drug Free Schools & Communities Act
Alcohol and drug abuse are often perceived to be a common part of college life. UW-Green Bay takes a number of approaches to prevent or discourage alcohol or drug abuse by our students.
One approach is to provide information early and let students make informed choices about their behavior. This information is designed to comply with the requirements of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. If you would like further information, please contact the Dean of Students office (920-465-2152) or the Wellness Center (920-465-2380).
Emergency and Missing Person Contacts
Campus safety and security is goal all of us need to work together to achieve. From locking our car doors to reporting suspicious behavior, an active role needs to be taken to protect both ourselves and the rest of the campus community. But sometimes accidents happen. A trip leads to an injury. A car ride becomes a car accident. For this reason, we ask each student to review their Emergency Contact Information in SIS. If you have not already entered at least one emergency contact person, please do so now.
In addition to your emergency contact, the university is now required by federal law to request a "Missing Person" contact. This contact person would only be notified if it was determined you were missing for 24 hours. For minors, the default will be to notify your parents unless you have been legally emancipated from them. For all other students, the university will assume you want your emergency contact person(s) notified unless you enter a "Missing Person" contact into SIS. This information will remain confidential and only shared should the need arise to make such a contact.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Dean of Students Office (920-465-2152) or University Police (920-465-2300).
- Log into your SIS account.
- Click on the Self Service link in the Menu box.
- Select Campus Personal Information in the Menu box.
- A list of 8 options will appear, click on Emergency Contacts in the middle of the screen.
- Select them Add An Emergency Contact button on the bottom of the Emergency Contacts page.
- Fill in the information for your contact. Please note you can add multiple phone numbers for one contact such as home, cell and work numbers by clicking on the Add a Phone Number button at the bottom of the page.
- Take care to select a Contact Type near the top of the page. An emergency contact can be for emergencies only, missing person only, or both Emergency and Missing Person. See the Missing Student Notification Policy.
Student Right to Know
Federal law requires institutions of higher education to publish certain information to help students make informed consumer choices.
Financial Assistance Information
Information that informs students about the financial obligations of attending an institution and describes options for paying the costs of attendance.
Institutional Information
Institutional Information includes academic programs, program costs, facilities and special services.
Completion & Graduate Rate Info
Institutions are required to establish and track annual cohorts of entering students and produce reports containing Completion & Graduate Rates.
Report on Athletic Program Participation Rates & Financial Data
Athletic Participation Rates & Financial Data for men’s and women’s intercollegiate athletic programs.
Report on Completion & Graduation Rates for Student Athletes
Enrollment, Completion & Graduation Rates for Athletes by race and gender and by race and gender within each sport.

Let's Connect
As an office, we're committed to ensuring all community members, including faculty, staff and students, understand our policies and procedures. If you have questions, get in touch with us.