Let's hear from you
Auditioning helps find the perfect fit for your talents.
All of us started as beginners – that’s why you’re here, to be educated and hone your skills. When you audition, it helps us understand how best to showcase your talents in the appropriate ensemble.

Audition Information
If you want to major or minor in music, you'll perform two contrasting works or movements (10 minutes total) for your audition. Earlier auditions receive priority consideration for music scholarships. You'll be notified of audition results (including any scholarship offers) two weeks after your audition. Here are some guidelines for music auditions:
- In-person auditions are preferred, but video recordings are accepted. If submitting a video audition, all materials must be received by April 1 to be considered for scholarships.
- Memorization isn't required but is preferred for piano and voice.
- Vocalists should perform two classical songs, one preferably in a language other than English. Students may perform with a live accompanist or per-recorded accompaniment. We do accept a cappella submissions if accompanist or recording isn't available.
- Percussionists may perform on up to three different instruments.
The BA emphasis in Audio Production now offers two options within the degree beginning in Fall 2025. For specific questions regarding the Audio Production audition requirements, contact Dr. Bill Sallak at All portfolio and written supporting materials should be emailed to Dr. Bill Sallak at Applicants may submit links to media files (e.g., .wav, .aif, .mp3, video files, etc.) if the files are too large to attach to an email.
To audition for the Performance Track (for students with significant experience as a performer in Western art music traditions like band, choir, orchestra, or jazz):
- Follow the audition requirements listed above for all other music majors/minors.
- Submit a portfolio of one or more pieces of audio/video/media work that demonstrate the applicant's experience and interests.
To audition for the Commercial Technology Track (for students with little or no previous experience performing in the Western classical tradition):
- Submit a video of one piece of applicant's choice (in any genre or style) that clearly demonstrates musical ability. Students who do not wish to submit a video of them singing or playing an instrument should demonstrate musical knowledge another way; this could include live electronic performance, presentation/explanation of an original song/composition/portfolio item, etc. Applicants are encouraged to be creative and demonstrate the most engaging aspects of their musicianship.
- Submit a brief written description/narrative describing why the applicant wants to study Audio Production at UW-Green Bay.
- Submit a portfolio containing one or more pieces of audio/video/media work that demonstrate the applicant's experience and interests.
- Schedule an in-person audition or submit a video of the following: 1) sing a one-octave major scale (“Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Ti-Do”), 2) sing “Happy Birthday” or a similar short song, 3) play an F on any instrument, and then sing the same pitch. Do the same for B and G-sharp, and 4) play a D on any instrument, then an F-sharp, then sing the D, then sing the F-sharp.
Applicants for either Audio Production track must also complete the audition application, submit transcripts, and submit a letter of recommendation.
Apply for Music Major, Minor & Scholarships:
In order to apply for admission to a music major or minor or music scholarship, complete the steps below:
1 Music Application & Audition
Choose your preferred in-person audition date, and complete the UW-Green Bay online Music Admission and Scholarship Application:
In-person Audition
- Friday, December 6, 2024 - Green Bay Campus
- Saturday, February 8, 2025 - Green Bay Campus
- Saturday, March 8, 2025 - Green Bay Campus
Complete the Application
Video Audition
In-person auditions are preferred, but video recordings are accepted. This video shows the steps to upload your audition video recording to YouTube to get a sharable link that you can submit for review.
2 High School Transcript
Have a copy of your high school transcript send to UW-Green Bay.
3 Letter of Recommendation
Obtain a letter of recommendation from a music teacher familiar with your musical ability and leadership potential. Email is acceptable for this purpose. Additional letters of reference are acceptable.
For students auditioning on band instruments, one letter should be with your present school band director. For voice students, one letter should be from your present school choral director.
Send all materials to:
Professor Luis Fernandez
Music Admission & Scholarship Coordinator
UW-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive, Theatre Hall 331
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
Email :
Additional Scholarship Opportunities
For more information, visit the UW-Green Bay Financial Aidwebsite.
Continuing Music Major & Minor Scholarships
For continuing Music students, complete the scholarship application here.

Need Answers?
If you have any questions or concerns about the audition process, don't hesitate to contact Professor Luis Fernandez.