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Dining Services Donation Request

This form is for those students specifically at the Green Bay campus. If you are located on the Marinette, Manitowoc or Sheboygan campuses please see those pages for information on student organizations.

Chartwells Food & Services Management on the UW-Green Bay campus is dedicated to helping registered student organizations with limited budgets achieve their annual goals. Our food donation program supports organizations hosting events, meetings or conferences as part of the annual goals and mission of the student organization. Our focus is to provide a food donation that will enhance the program through the additional provision of food that the organization can otherwise not afford or has not budgeted for in the current year.

Student organizations are invited to apply for support in the form or party platters, catering trays, or product donations (such as fruit, water, soda, snack foods, etc.) for large or small events, meetings, or conferences hosted and organized by the organization.

The average total donation for this program ranges from $25 to $100 not to exceed one-half of the cost of the total food order for the event. Organizations must apply at least 21 days in advance of when they require the donation. Once selected by the Union & Dining Committee, the organization will be notified as to how they can pick up their donation or how it will be provided in conjunction with the total order of food and beverage for the event.

All registered student organizations are eligible for this type of donation. However, organizations may only apply for and receive a donation once per academic year.

To apply for a donation, please complete the application in full. Incomplete applications will not be considered for a donation. Please note that a complete application does not guarantee a donation from Chartwells Food & Services Management. We are looking to serve as many organizations as possible, so a previous donation does not ensure continued support.

Dining Services Donation Request