Research Scholar
This grant is made possible by the Indirect Costs and Overhead shares generated through external funding received by members of UW-Green Bay.
The Research Scholar Program is designed to provide stipend support during the summer for the purpose of developing or continuing a significant research project that substantially exceeds the baseline expectation for faculty scholarship. Summer appointments under this program provide one-month summer support up to a maximum of $7,000 in stipends. The Research Scholar will be expected to work on a significant research project that generates a tangible product. The Research Scholar may develop a new project (e.g., an external grant proposal or preparation of creative works for exhibition/performance/publication) or complete a distinct stage of a larger ongoing project (e.g., using this support as match funding for a larger project).
Please see the guidelines set by the Research Council in the Call for Proposals and Guidelines
Deadline: March 18th
Electronic Submissions Only via Qualitrics Survey
Sample Research Scholar Proposals
Scott Ashmann
Department: Professional Program in Education
Unit: Professional Studies
Title: National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant Proposal with the Einstein Project
Illene Noppe
Department: Human Development
Title: Death Studies, Focused on Death Education
Andrew Kersten
Department: History
Unit: Social Change & Development
Title: Biography of Clarence S. Darrow
Amy Wolf
Department: Biology
Unit: Natural and Applied Sciences
Title: Development of a National Science Foundation REU Proposal for an internationally networked study of temperate forest dynamics