New Instructors
The Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office identifies accommodations the University is obligated to provide under the Universities of Wisconsin policy (UWS 14-10) and federal legislation that ensures students with disabilities have equal access to UW-Green Bay. If you are unsure of how to accommodate a student, please contact SAS as we are here to assist in the accommodation process.
Campus Resources
UW-Green Bay is committed to educating all who want to learn, and that includes providing equitable education to students with disabilities. If you need assistance in making accommodations for students or ensuring accessibility of your materials, our campus offers various support services that can help.
The Center for Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL) is a place to go for your instructional design and digital learning environments inquires. The staff provides individual consultations and workshops.
Canvas Accessibility
The UDOIT Cloud Course Accessibility checker is available to instructors in all Canvas courses in the UWS Digital Learning Environment (DLE) and at UW-Madison. UDOIT is designed to improve the accessibility of Canvas courses. It scans courses, provides easy to interpret suggestions and can automatically repair many common accessibility issues.
Dean of Students Office
If you have a concern regarding a student in your course, the Dean of Students is the place where you can go for student resources and support.
Accommodation Information
UW-Green Bay SAS individually evaluates each student who requests accommodations to ensure that their request is reasonable based on their documented disability, needs and abilities. Once a student submits an accommodation request, the faculty and instructional staff will receive communication regarding the nature of the accommodation. Some accommodations, like alternative testing, will be scheduled throughout the semester as quizzes and exams are planned in the course. Others, may relate to course materials. If you have any questions, please contact SAS.
Email Notifications
When a student requests academic accommodations, their instructor(s) will be notified by an automatically generated email. The email will be sent from Student Accessibility Services <>. It will include the name of the student's advisor and list the accommodations the student is approved to receive. Accommodations are not retroactive. They begin once the notification is emailed to the professor or instructional staff.
GB Access Instructor Login
Depending on the number of students you teach, it may be difficult to recall which students requested accommodations in your courses. You can log in to the GB Access Instructional Portal using your UW-Green Bay credentials to view the students who have requested accommodations in your courses. Please contact SAS if you are having difficulties.
Accommodation Review
If a student who is not approved for accommodation discloses that they have a disability and requests academic accommodations, please refer them to SAS. They must apply for accommodations with SAS. We review applications to determine reasonable accommodations on a case-by-case basis. You will know if they have been approved if you receive an email notification from Student Accessibility Services <> or see their requests in the GB Access Instructional portal.
Faculty Resources Links
Below are outside resources to help you create more accessible education and make accommodations for students.
The Faculty Room
A space for faculty and administrators at postsecondary institutions to learn about how to create classroom environments and activities that maximize the learning of all students, including those with disabilities.
Reasonable Accommodations
Employers and educators need practical information about reasonable accommodations for people who have psychiatric disabilities.

Want to Know More?
Lynn Niemi and the SAS team strive to help students with disabilities reach their full potential by providing academic accommodations and support services.