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Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (BCBT) for Suicide Prevention

June 19-20, 2024
8:30am - 4:30pm CST each day

Location: Virtual via Zoom
Fee: $70
Trainer(s): David Rozek, PhD, ABPP
Continuing Education Hours: 13.0

Interested participants must be practicing in Wisconsin

Course Description

This two-day workshop is geared towards mental health professionals seeking to acquire entry-level information and training on the assessment, management, and treatment of suicide risk among suicidal individuals. The first portion of the workshop provides intensive training in core competencies for the clinical care of suicidal patients, including general interpersonal dynamics, standardization of suicide-related terminology, and documentation strategies. The workshop then provides a detailed, step-by-step review of the 12-session brief cognitive behavioral therapy (BCBT) treatment protocol. Practical strategies for effective treatment delivery are provided using case examples, role plays, videos, and skills practice, which illustrate concepts and interventions.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe an empirically-supported biopsychosocial model of suicide.
  • Effectively discuss with patients the risks of suicidal behavior both in and out of therapy as a routine part of informed consent.
  • Understand common issues of confidentiality when working with military patients.
  • Conduct a risk assessment interview in a manner that increases accurate & honest disclosure of suicidal ideation & behaviors.
  • Develop a written treatment and services plan that addresses suicide risk and is based on empirically-supported interventions.
  • Effectively provide means restriction counseling to suicidal patients.
  • Develop a written crisis response plan to reduce acute suicide risk.
  • Use cognitive strategies and interventions to undermine suicidal beliefs that contribute to suicidal behaviors.
  • Explain and administer a relapse prevention task for reducing suicidal behaviors.

About Your Trainer

David Rozek

David Rozek, PhD, ABPP

David Rozek, PhD, ABPP, is an Associate Professor and a clinical psychologist at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He received his PhD from the University of Notre Dame and completed his residency at the Orlando Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Prior to joining the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Dr. Rozek held positions at the University of Central Florida as the Director of the National Center of Excellence for First Responder Behavioral Health at UCF RESTORES and at the University of Utah in the Department of Psychiatry with a secondary appointment as the Director of Training at the National Center for Veterans Studies. Dr. Rozek’s research and clinical expertise are in cognitive and behavioral therapies for suicide, depression, and PTSD. He regularly provides training to clinicians, medical professionals, peers support specialist, and mental health allies on best practices when working with individuals who are at risk for suicide and is an active researcher focusing on how to best improve clinical care.