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Responsible Conduct of Research

What Is It?

Conducting and reporting research ethically is fundamental to academic research. Researcher behavior must inspire trust with the public and within the scientific community and among colleagues. The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay strives to foster the highest scholarly and ethical standards among its students, faculty, and staff. The University has policies for reporting and dealing with research misconduct and ways for you to learn more about research ethics.

Federal Requirements

The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) require that all undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers who receive financial support for research through NSF or NIH receive training and oversight in the responsible conduct of research (RCR). UWGB uses CITI training to provide basic RCR training.

UWGB RCR Guidelines

All key personnel employed at UWGB who are submitting proposals through the Office of Grants & Research (OGR), federal or otherwise, must complete the CITI RCR training on an interval of no less than once every four years. All faculty, staff and students supported by NSF or NIH funding must complete the CITI RCR training module before beginning NSF or NIH-funded research.

What Do I Need to Do?

You can access the CITI RCR training HERE.