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Project Charges

The project should be charged for all expenses incurred for activities, services, or materials that were included in the approved budget. The fact that this may require additional paperwork (e.g., a separate order to University Stores or a vendor) is not reason enough to charge University budgets for items provided for in the grant award or to make use of existing department supplies. Also, remember that all regular University purchasing policies must be followed when making purchases with grant monies. If you are unfamiliar with purchasing procedures, check with the Purchasing Department or your department secretary.


The principal investigator is responsible for complying with all technical and scholarly report requirements and filing deadlines as specified by the supporting agency. Formal financial reports required by some federal agencies will be prepared by the Controller's Office. A copy will be sent to the principal investigator.

Salaries and Hiring

Salaries, wages, and hiring must conform with State and University policies governing personnel and compensation matters. You should be familiar with the faculty, academic staff, classified staff, LTE, and student hourly help hiring and compensation regulations. Contact Human Resources and the Affirmative Action Officer for information on compensation minimums and maximums, recruiting procedures, appointment and payroll requirements, and annual performance evaluations. Federal agencies require grantees to provide after-the-fact time and effort certification reports. Forms for this purpose are provided to principal investigators by the UW-Green Bay Controller's Office. You are responsible for having the forms signed and returned to the Controller's Office within 30 days of receipt. The signed forms verify that all grant personnel have spent the amount of time and effort specified in the grant proposal working on grant activities. If there is a variance of more than 5% in the amount of time and effort listed in the proposal and recorded in the payroll records and the actual amount of time and effort verified on a time and effort certification form, a salary cash transfer will be necessary to correct accounting and. payroll records. Contact the Controller's Office for complete information on time and effort certification requirements.


The State and University Travel Regulations govern reimbursement for all travel, including travel funded through extramural sources. Some funding agencies specify a maximum daily allowance for subsistence (room and board). If such a limit is in effect for a project, care must be taken not to charge grant accounts for amounts beyond the designated limit. International travel and subsistence costs will be reimbursed in accordance with the specific terms of the grant or contract.

Equipment and Materials

Equipment and materials paid for by project funds must be acquired through normal University purchasing procedures. Ownership of permanent equipment is generally held by either the University or the sponsoring agency, depending upon the terms of the grant or contract. In either case, you are responsible for such equipment and must be able to account for all items at the end of the grant period.

Institutional and Cost-of-Education Allowances

Certain grants for fellowship, traineeship, or similar programs include an institutional or cost-of-education allowance in lieu of tuition, fees, and other costs incurred by an institution in conducting courses or programs in which the fellowship recipients or trainees are enrolled. The principal investigator is responsible for ensuring that direct costs of instruction are charged against the grant account.