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Available Courses

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Courses Available by semester

Fall 2024

Courses begin September 4 and end on December 15.

FNS 225:
Intro to First Nation Studies

3 Credits

This introductory course to First Nations Studies focuses on the history, culture, sovereignty, and contemporary status of Indigenous Nations in the Great Lakes region. The course offers Indigenous cultural contexts through both information and class structure. The Indigenous core value of personal sovereignty is practiced in the course through the application of respect, reciprocity, and relationship.

At its core, exploring history helps us understand who we are, and how we arrived at our present circumstances. Wisconsin is home to twelve Tribal Nations and their story is central to our region’s history and identity, yet often overlooked. Throughout the semester, students will be introduced to the broader themes comprising First Nations history through various case studies, while also exploring one tribal nation in greater depth, perhaps the nation closest to them in proximity. In addition, all students will be encouraged to reflect on their own cultural identity within the context of United States history, including the complex shared history of the Great Lakes region derived from immigration and the settler-colonial experience.  Finally, in FNS 225 the grand story of First Nations people will be framed in what cultural theorist Gerald Vizenor calls “survivance,” including contemporary examples of cultural revitalization.    

Though taught asynchronously with an emphasis on screencasts and accompanying readings, students will receive regular communication from the instructor, including timely coaching related to the required written work.  

NUT SCI 242: Food & Nutritional Health

3 Credits

Food and Nutritional Health emphasizes and evaluates the practical personal application of nutritional concepts in promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle.

PSYCH 102: Intro to Psychology

3 Credits

Understanding of behavior from psychophysiological, cognitive, social and clinical perspectives; important issues, methods and findings in the study of psychological processes.

PSYCH 203: Intro to Lifespan Development

3 Credits

Human development from conception through death: physical development, social and emotional development, and psychological development. Topics may also include personality development, the development of language, intellectual development and creativity, and the process of human learning.

Spring 2025 - TBD 

Course dates TBD

Recurring courses

Courses offered each specified semester

FNS 225: Intro to First Nation Studies

Fall Only
3 Credits

This introductory course to First Nations Studies focuses on the history, culture, sovereignty, and contemporary status of Indigenous Nations in the Great Lakes region. The course offers Indigenous cultural contexts through both information and class structure. The Indigenous core value of personal sovereignty is practiced in the course through the application of respect, reciprocity, and relationship.

At its core, exploring history helps us understand who we are, and how we arrived at our present circumstances. Wisconsin is home to twelve Tribal Nations and their story is central to our region’s history and identity, yet often overlooked. Throughout the semester, students will be introduced to the broader themes comprising First Nations history through various case studies, while also exploring one tribal nation in greater depth, perhaps the nation closest to them in proximity. In addition, all students will be encouraged to reflect on their own cultural identity within the context of United States history, including the complex shared history of the Great Lakes region derived from immigration and the settler-colonial experience.  Finally, in FNS 225 the grand story of First Nations people will be framed in what cultural theorist Gerald Vizenor calls “survivance,” including contemporary examples of cultural revitalization.    

Though taught asynchronously with an emphasis on screencasts and accompanying readings, students will receive regular communication from the instructor, including timely coaching related to the required written work.   


UW-Green Bay reserves the right to cancel any course or program due to low enrollment, conditions beyond reasonable control, including, but not limited to low enrollment, disaster, inclement weather, health emergency, unavailability of supplies, or any other circumstance.

Tessa Rufledt

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