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Comprehensive Program Review

During the academic year 2020-2021, UW Green Bay was asked by the Universities of Wisconsin to conduct a comprehensive program review of its programs. There were several reasons for us to do this:

  1. The last comprehensive program review was conducted in 2006, which means that it has been 14 years since the institution has taken stock of its curricular array as a whole.
  2. The University recently revised its Mission, and it is a good opportunity to align its curricular array with that Mission.
  3. Universities of Wisconsin have asked that all institutions conduct some kind of comprehensive program review this academic year as part of a “strategic planning process that connects resources – human, financial, and physical – to institutional mission and vision.” Comprehensive program review offers the opportunity to take control of our curricular array.
  4. The review offers the opportunity to consider the challenges and opportunities faced by programs, units, colleges, and the institution as a whole. The review may reveal innovations and successes that should be celebrated as well as opportunities for development.

2020 Comprehensive Program Review (Undergraduate)