Move Out Information
Get Your Move On
We're here to help you prepare for your move.
As school winds down, you're probably busy with finals and other activities. But it's still important to prepare for moving out to remove stress and ensure a smooth transition. We encourage you to think about starting to take some items home throughout the spring semester to make move out smoother.

Your RM will hold a meeting before semester break and before the end-of-the-year closing to inform you of what needs to be done. You will also receive information via email.
At the end of the year, in order to avoid cleaning charges, you will need to move your things out of your space and clean your space thoroughly. To make sure your room is ready to check out you can look over the check out cleaning checklist on Roompact. Damages and repairs that are not related to normal wear and tear will be billed to the resident. If your room is not cleaned to an acceptable level or there are items left behind, you could also incur excessive cleaning charges.
In spring, all residents must officially check out through one of the two options below. You will complete the check out process after all of your belongings have been moved out of the room and you have cleaned. When you check-out, your building access will end. Housing personnel will inspect your room after check-out to assess cleanliness and needed repairs.
Students have two options to complete a check out when departing university housing or changing rooms/apartments. Both check out options can be found on UW-Green Bay Housing Hub under the Check-Out section. If a student needs computer access, there are kiosk computers available in the Community Center, if needed. Students failing to follow the check in or check out procedures will be charged a $50 fee. Below you will find more information regarding each option.
In-Person Check Out
An In-Person Check Out will require students to schedule an appointment with a Resident Mentor (RM) to complete their check out process. After selecting this option on the Housing Hub, students will see all of the available appointment times. Students must schedule the appointment a minimum of 24 hours in advance so please plan ahead. The student checking out must be present at the time of the appointment, have their belongings moved out, and their room/apartment cleaned to avoid an improper check out charge. Building access will be removed at the end of the check out appointment.
Express Check Out
Express Check Out allows a student to check out completely online at any time without signing up for an appointment with a Resident Mentor (RM). Access to the building will be removed immediately after the Express Check Out is completed. It is the student’s responsibility to clean the room/apartment, remove belongings and trash, and report any damages that have occurred while living in the room/apartment. The student’s room/apartment will be inspected after move out has occurred, and charges will be assessed for any damages, missing items, and/or cleaning charges will be applied, if applicable. Damages, missing items, and/or cleaning that no one claims responsibility for will be divided equally among those living in the room/apartment.
Right to Appeal Damages: Students who select Express Check Out waive the right to appeal charges or be present during the departure inspection process.

Have Questions?
If you have questions while your moving out, cleaning and preparing to check out, it's better to ask than to assume. Send us a message!