Loan Exit Counseling
When you graduate, transfer to another school or drop below half-time attendance at UW-Green Bay, you are required to complete an exit counseling session. Both the Federal Direct and Perkins Loan Programs require Exit Counseling. This requirement is part of the Federal Consumer Information Act, and provides students with important information concerning their rights and responsibilities.
Completing Exit Counseling will not put your loans into automatic repayment. UW-Green Bay will report your last date of attendance to your servicer(s). If you are continuing at another school, once you begin at least half-time enrollment at your new school, your loans should return to an 'in-school deferment' status with your loan servicer(s). If you receive repayment notices, be sure to contact the new school's financial aid office to find out how/if they are reporting your enrollment. If you are not returning to school, you will be contacted by your servicer(s) regarding your repayment schedule.
Graduates will receive correspondence in the mail from the Financial Aid Office during their last semester at UW-Green Bay. Students enrolled less than half time and those who have withdrawn from the University will also receive correspondence in the mail in the term in which they are no longer at least half time. Remember that Exit Counseling is required even if you will be attending another school in the future.
Federal Direct Loans
Go to and sign in with your federal username and password. Under the Manage Loans section, select "Complete Exit Counseling." Select the appropriate student type, log in and then navigate through to complete the session. We will be notified of your completion within 1 to 2 days.
Federal Perkins Loans
UW-Madison, in partnership with ECSI, is the servicer of any Federal Perkins loans you have taken while a student at UW-Green Bay. You will be contacted and provided with a pin number to access your exit counseling session and account information through the ECSI website. If you have questions regarding repayment of your Perkins Loan, please contact UW-Madison at 608-262-1791.

We're Here to Help!
If you have questions about loan exit counseling or about what happens with your loans when you graduate or leave UW-Green Bay, contact us.