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Excelsior College Exams

Excelsior College Exams are designed to give individuals an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in various college-level subjects. Most Excelsior College Exams are objective, consisting of multiple-choice questions. Some are entirely essay exams. The Exams cover work typical of undergraduate-level courses. They examine how well one knows facts and terminology, along with how well one can apply essential concepts and skills. Excelsior College Exams are available up to 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, around the country. Several Excelsior College Exams are accepted for credit at UWGB, but these exams are not administered at UWGB. Contact Excelsior College for additional information:

Policies and Procedures

  1. Excelsior College (a.k.a. Regent's College or ACT-PEP) exam credits will be entered on a student’s UWGB transcript only if the student is currently enrolled as a matriculated student at UWGB.
  2. Every institution sets its own policies regarding Excelsior College exams. If you think you might transfer to another institution, you should know the policies of both institutions before taking an exam.
  3. Passing Scores. In order to receive credit at UWGB for any of the Excelsior College Exams accepted by UWGB, you must receive a minimum score of 'B' or higher.

Excelsior College Exam Equivalencies at UWGB

Updated: (May 29, 2019)

Excelsior College Exam NameUWGB Coursecredits
Arts and Sciences Exams
Abnormal PsychologyPSYCH 4353
Anatomy & PhysiologyHUM BIOL elective (lower-level)6
Basic GeneticsBIOLOGY 3033
English CompositionWF 1003
Intro to MusicMUSIC 1213
MicrobiologyBIOL elective (lower-level)3
PathophysiologyHUM BIOL elective (lower-level)3
Psychology of Adulthood & AgingPSYCH 3433
StatisticsMATH 2604
World Conflicts Since 1900POL SCI 1003
Business Exams
Business Policy & StrategyBUS ADM 4903
Production/Ops ManagementBUS ADM 3843
Human Resource ManagementHRM 3623
Organizational BehaviorMGMT 3893
Labor RelationsBUS ADM elective (upper-level)3
Nursing Exams (Baccalaureate)
Adult Nursing *NURS 4923
Community Health NursingNURS 4443
Health Restoration I and II *NURS 4923
Management & Leadership in NursingNURS 4374
Maternal & Child Nursing *NURS 4923
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing *NURS 4923
Research in NursingNURS 4343

*No credit awarded effective Fall Semester 2012.

Note: Excelsior College Exams were formerly known as Regents College Exams, which were formerly known as ACT-PEP Exams.