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Rename a Degree

Academic Action

Change the name of an existing bachelor’s or master’s degree

Curricular Requirements

Not applicable

Originator of Process

Interdisciplinary Executive Committee

Approval Process

CourseLeaf: Program Admin: Edit Program

Approvals/Recommendations Needed:

A – Approval Needed

R – Recommendation

I – Information Only

AInitiating Interdisciplinary Executive Committee
ROther Interdisciplinary Units
AGraduate Academic Affairs Council
AAcademic Affairs Council
AProvost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
IUniversities of Wisconsin Administration and Board of Regents
IBoard of Regents

Approval Process

The chair of an Interdisciplinary Executive Committee prepares a proposal to rename an existing degree program and completes the Edit Program form in CourseLeaf . (The Associate of Arts and Sciences Executive Committee acts as the Unit Executive Committee for purposes of developing AAS degrees.) Renaming a degree must follow the Universities of Wisconsin Administrative Policy 102 3.2.1 Renaming an Academic Degree Program. The chair should consult with Enrollment Services and University Communication and Marketing to assess the impact the name change may have.

Note: Solely renaming a degree assumes there are no changes in degree requirements. If there are changes to degree requirements, please follow the appropriate procedure, either A.2. Modify Degree Requirements (if the changes constitute less than 30% of the degree’s requirements) or A.3. Redirect a Degree (if the changes constitute 30-50% of the degree’s requirement) above. No changes may be made to the CIP code when renaming a degree.

If renaming of the degree impacts units outside the jurisdiction of the initiating Executive Committee, the draft proposal must be reviewed by the Interdisciplinary Unit(s) that will be impacted by the changes. The chair of the initiating Executive Committee is responsible for sending (electronically) a complete proposal to the chair of the unit(s) impacted. Each unit impacted must respond, in writing, to the request to review the proposal. As the proposal progresses through the approval process, it must include written documentation from all of the unit(s) consulted.

The proposal may be revised based on the comments received. When a final proposal is approved by the initiating Interdisciplinary Unit Executive Committee, the proposal and all supporting documentation is forwarded to the Dean for review and approval. In the case of AAS degrees, the proposal should be reviewed by the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.

The Dean (or Associate Provost) reviews the proposal and supporting documentation. He then forwards all to the Registrar for review and recommendation.

After review and recommendation or non-recommendation by the Registrar, approved proposals and supporting documentation are sent by the Dean to the Academic Affairs Council (for bachelor’s degrees) or Graduate Academic Affairs Council (for master’s degrees) for its review and approval.

The proposed name change is reviewed by the Academic Affairs Council or Graduate Academic Affairs Council. Following the AAC or GAAC review, an approved proposal is forwarded to the Provost. If not approved by the AAC or GAAC, the proposal is returned to dean.

The proposed name change with supporting documentation is reviewed by the Provost (or designee). If approved by the Provost, the initiating Executive Committee Chair, Dean, Registrar, and SOFAS are notified that the degree program has been renamed and the effective date of the change. If not approved by the Provost, the proposal is returned to the Dean.

The Provost (or designee) notifies the UW Associate Vice President for Academic Programs and Educational Innovation (APEI) via the Online Program Planning Form that modification of requirements to an existing degree program has been renamed and the effective date of the change.

The chair of the renamed program and the dean work with Marketing and University Communication and Enrollment Services to properly market the program and recruit students.