Programmatic Outcomes
Goal 1: Knowledge Base in Psychology
- 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
- 1.2 Develop a working knowledge of psychology’s content domains
- 1.3 Describe applications of psychology
Goal 2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking
- 2.1 Use scientific reasoning to interpret psychological phenomena
- 2.2 Demonstrate psychology information literacy
- 2.3 Engage in innovative and integrative thinking and problem solving
- 2.4 Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
- 2.5 Incorporate sociocultural factors in scientific inquiry
Goal 3: Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World
- 3.1 Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice
- 3.2 Build and enhance interpersonal relationships
- 3.3 Adopt values that build community at local, national, and global levels
Goal 4: Communication
- 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
- 4.2 Exhibit effective presentation skills for different purposes
- 4.3 Interact effectively with others
Goal 5: Professional Development
- 5.1 Apply psychological content and skills to career goals
- 5.2 Exhibit self-efficacy and self-regulation
- 5.3 Refine project-management skills
- 5.4 Enhance teamwork capacity
- 5.5 Develop meaningful professional direction for life after graduation
Based on the APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major, 2013 (PDF)
Assessment Plan
- 2017-2018 Assessment Plan
- 2016-2017 Assessment Plan
- 2015-2016 Assessment Plan
- 2014-2015 Assessment Plan
- 2013-2014 Assessment Plan
Annual Reports
- 2017-2018 Assessment Report
- 2016-2017 Assessment Report
- 2015-2016 Assessment Report
- 2014-2015 Assessment Report
- 2013-2014 Assessment Report
Curriculum Map:
Most Recent Program Review 2015-16
- Psychology Self Study 2015-16
- AAC Review 2015-16
- Dean Review 2015-16
- Provost Review 2015-16